Why Social Media Marketing?

At this point, social media seems to be an unavoidable part of our everyday lives. It’s impossible to hop on any social media platform and not encounter ads for products or services that analytics have decided might be relevant to you. While this might be true for our personal lives, it also holds relevance for our professional lives. Advertisements are not the only way that social media can be utilized by businesses; in fact, social media can completely revolutionize your ability to connect and engage with your target audience. 


While there are certainly more than three benefits of an active social media presence, here are just a few reasons we thought should be highlighted. 

1) Build Brand Awareness 

One of the greatest benefits of social media is the chance to build brand awareness. All businesses want to generate leads, but that should never be the only goal. Social media gives your audience a chance to better understand your brand - what your company stands for, what it offers, and ultimately explain the “why” behind your inception and services or products.

2) Generate Leads

Social media is used by such a wide range of people that it offers businesses endless opportunities to reach people. It also gives you an opportunity to connect with people outside of what might be your normal sphere. Every image, blog, video, or comment that you post presents an opportunity that might lead people back to your website. Businesses are always looking for a way to generate leads, and a consistent presence on social media is an effective way to do just that.

3) Build Relationships with Your Customers

Perhaps most importantly, though, it gives you a chance to listen and connect with your customers. Social media is meant for networking and communicating, which gives you a chance to establish a voice for your company and how you intend to interact with potential customers.  Social media gives you a chance to show consistency and share content that builds trust between you and your targeted audience. It is an easy place for people to ask their questions and receive answers. It’s even a place where you can easily resolve any complaints that someone might have experienced. Social media is a chance to build better customer satisfaction. 


Like most dilemmas, the yes and no arguments can be made.

However, there’s no doubt that having a clear social media strategy backed by analytics can greatly benefit a business. Social media can be a gamechanger on engagement and conversion rates if you have someone who knows how to structure and implement a social media strategy. 

If you are a global business, then it is easy to employ whole teams of people within your company to create posts within different mediums, engage with customers, and analyze which type of posts are engaging with your target audience. Smaller businesses often don’t have that option, though. Most small businesses don’t have the resources to employ a full-time social media manager within their company, which is where hiring a third-party social media manager at a fraction of the cost becomes a viable option. 

The main reason for this is because social media is a time-consuming venture. It starts with understanding your audience and which platforms they engage on the most. It requires a great deal of planning for daily posts, and the creation process of all the graphics and videos also requires a fair amount of skills and time. In addition to the planning, creation, and sharing of content, the final step is just as important. It’s not enough to post materials into the digital sphere, then you have to interact. You have to respond to comments, follow other accounts, interact with other accounts, and have a consistent presence on your social media platforms. 

Social media management allows for you to approve the content that you want without having to invest the amount of time and energy it requires. Having someone else manage your accounts can save you a lot of time while allowing you to reap the benefit of an active social media presence.

If you’re interested in having a more active social media presence without the hassle of managing it yourself, you can find out more about our process here or by emailing us questions@thedigitalshore.com

We truly believe that an intentional, consistent social media strategy can open up many opportunities for your business over time.


Social Media Breakdown: Facebook


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